Streetscapes are where people come together and give our cities life. We help make main streets authentic, lively, welcoming, and prosperous. Our work prioritizes community, safety, and identity while bringing together multiple uses, technical requirements, infrastructural function, and the economic role that streets serve in our daily lives.

Alpine Avenue: Encouraging private investment and redevelopment by knitting the Granary District into the larger vibrant urban fabric of McMinnville
Providing a balanced design for both people and vehicles, Alpine Avenue includes a curb-free street environment designed to slow vehicle speeds, prioritize pedestrians and accommodate service access to existing and future businesses. Complementing new landscape areas and stormwater gardens, serene plaza spaces incorporate custom-design benches, picnic tables and planter boxes (moveable and fixed). During special events and festivals, the street transforms into a pedestrian-only plaza.
- McMinnville, OR
- Completed 2018
- ASLA Oregon Honor Award - Transportation 2019
- ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards - Grand Award 2019
Cascade Avenue: Enhancing the livability, walkability, attractiveness, and safety of iconic downtown Sisters while spurring local economic development.
Complementing the community’s unique geographic setting, the streetscape design evokes the town’s modern western character by sourcing natural soft woods and forged metal. Groves of attractive white-bark columnar trees cluster in wildflower-strewn landscape planters along the street providing pockets of shade and protection from traffic. Iimprovements include new concrete paver sidewalks and ADA-accessible curb ramps, curb extensions, bio-retention stormwater facilities, pedestrian-scale street lighting, street trees, benches, drinking fountains, bicycle parking, wayfinding signage, and waste containers.
- Sisters, OR
- Completed 2014
- Building a Better Central Oregon Award 2015
- ASLA's Top Transportation Project 2015
- APWA's Public Works Project of the Year 2015

McMinnville’s Third Street: Rejuvenating one of the country’s most iconic and attractive main streets.
Honoring Downtown’s history while implementing a more resilient approach, the concept applies generous, flexible-use sidewalks; roadway and utility improvements; landscaped curb extensions; expanded street-tree planting areas; and traffic-calming interventions such as raised crosswalks and narrower lanes. These improvements exude the beloved quirky, classy charm of memorable McMinnville while ensuring pedestrian safety and boosting economic vitality.
- McMinnville, OR
- Completed 2022
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Alpine Avenue